Monday, July 25, 2011

Hot, hot, hot!

Summer time is in FULL swing here. We've been in the 90s and even in the 100s (the highest our outside temp reached was 104!) for over a week now, so the pool has been our best friend. And luckily, all three boys now officially love the pool.

C (who's 5) began the season out in the pool swimming around with his floaties on. Now he is leaping off the diving board and spending as much time as I will allow him in the pool.  He loves the "crocigator".

H (who's 3) began the season not wanting to touch the water. I would bring him in with me and he would clutch to me in fear. Now he'll jump into my arms in the pool, and spends his time cautiously swimming around. He's not a strong swimmer yet, so he wears his lifejacket.

And G (6 months) loved the pool from the beginning, and floats around like a cool dude in this infant floatie.

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