Friday, May 20, 2011


So it's been awhile since I've posted.  G is still a bit attached to me...ok, 24/7, so I find it hard to sit down and type something out from time to time.  And recently the only free time I seem to get I spend grocery shopping or working in my veggie garden (no pics yet, I promise some though!).  But since it's been raining for what seems like forever, I figured I'd at least come on and put SOMETHING on here. 

Have you heard of Extreme Couponing on TLC?  If not, check it out, just for an episode. I like to coupon, so I thought it'd be a great show to watch.  Well, I've learned a few things I didn't know before, and got some good tips, but WOW are these people crazy!  I mean, 77 bottles of mustard, just because they're free?!  I can see getting a handful, it's great to take to picnics in the summer... but they don't last forever.  They DO have an expiration date.  I like to get deals, as I've said before, but only when it's actually going to help my family out, not when it's going to prevent other people from buying things they actually need.  But it's like a train-wreck, I can't tear my eyes away.

My couponing right now is more along the lines of: buying a newspaper, cutting out coupons, matching up the coupons with the weekly store deals, and saving some money.  Yes, I've got a few things stockpiled (15 toothpastes, 10 boxes of tissues...), but it hasn't become a full-time job.  Apparently B wants me to become more like them though.  For Mother's Day, he got me a coupon organizer for my purse.  What's weird is that I ordered one off of Amazon the night before, and he had to tell me what my gift was early.  Luckily I had time to cancel my order from Amazon before it went through.  It was one of the most thoughtful gifts I've gotten from him.  I'd never mentioned I wanted one, but after watching the show with me, and seeing me use envelopes to try to organize everything, he thought he'd save me some trouble.  What a sweetie!

So what about you, what's your couponing style?

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