Friday, March 18, 2011

Frugal Friday

Can I make a confession? I LOVE being thrifty. I mean, it's like an addiction for me. I walk into a store, I head straight for the clearance racks. I look through all the weekly ads looking for a good deal on chicken. If I find something super cheap, I stockpile it. I coupon, bargain-shop, eBay, Amazon, swagbucks, etc. Any way I can save money, I do.

So every Friday (if I get the chance that is) I'm going to post about something I did to either save money, or at least not spend as much!

Today? My awesome eBay score!

My wardrobe is seriously lacking. I mean, I was down to about two pairs of jeans, one of which had holes in the knees. I just lived in sweatpants for about six months while I was pregnant, and when G was born, I was done with it. I was inspired by a blog to actually get myself dressed everyday. So I make it a point to, at the very least, get dressed, cover up my dark circles, wear some piece of jewelry, and even brush my hair! And it has done wonders for my attitude and mood! I mean, I was up half the night with G, but putting forth the effort to do something for myself makes me feel somewhat human.

Ok, back to my eBay score... Since I'm done being pregnant, I figure I'm safe to buy some clothes for myself. Jeans! I need jeans! My frugality keeps me from spending full price for clothes. I just can't do it. So, I did a search on eBay for Express jeans in my size. I know my size in Express, so I figured I had a decent chance of purchasing a pair that actually fit, without spending $70 for a new pair that will no doubt get puked on, or muddy. And I found a lot of 5 pairs! The seller also had two pairs of twill shorts from NY&Co, as well as a pair of Old Navy jeans and a pair of Gap jeans. And she was willing to combine shipping for me! I was lucky enough to win all three auctions, and got a total of 7 pairs of jeans and 2 pairs of shorts shipped to me for $68!!! That's less than one new pair! And I didn't have to go to the mall to try them on (tough to do right now with a little one permanently attached to me). And the best part, I got them...and they ALL fit! All are in great condition and I have a variety of styles.

So that's all for my first installment of Frugal Friday, more steals and deals next week!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod Touch

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring is (almost) here!

So the weather was decent today and the kids were going stir-crazy, so we went for a walk.  The kids had a blast (and we only went around the neighborhood!), and it felt great to get some fresh air.  G was all wrapped up on me in my gorgeous Natibaby wrap and slept the whole time.
Natibaby "Ocean" - no action shots, sorry!

So while on our walk, we came across something that made my heart skip a beat.

A flower, a real live flower!! Actually, there was more than one... and we saw the start of some Irises...I think.  I'm not a botanist by any means.  B and I have a running joke.  He asks what kind of flower something is.  I NEVER know, so my answer is always "daisy". So it may or may not have been Irises.  But either way, let's rejoice over my purple "daisy"!  And purple just happens to be my all-time favorite color, so that makes it all the better. 

I let the kids play for a bit longer outside, just til their ears got a bit frozen on the ends (only 49 out, and windy), then drug them into the house.  They're NOT happy with me for that.  Oh well, this week looks like it's going to be pretty nice, so we'll go outside a whole lot more.  Friday is supposed to be 70!  I could get used to this.  Fingers crossed it stays. 

Now to get a start on dinner while G is sleeping.  Chicken Corn Noodle soup tonight with salads and leftover homemade biscuits.  Toodle-oo!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blue-screen Blues

Well, about a week ago, my PC refused to boot up past the dreaded "blue screen of death". It's been giving us problems for months (it's 5 1/2 years old), and we'd been planning on a new one for awhile. So, we decided to just bite the bullet & buy a new one.

As of this morning, the ETA for it was 3/4/11. I cannot wait for it to come. Blogging on the iPod is annoying! So hopefully once the new one comes, I'll be able to get some new, interesting posts up!

Check back in a few days!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod Touch